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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  July 3, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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new testimony on just how much zimmerman knew about florida's stand your ground law. legal experts will join us to break down the case as we bring you the trial live on msnbc. good day to you. i'm craig in sanford, florida. also in for andrea. we will see more witness testimony in the zimmerman trial. the jury set to return at 1:45. this morning's discussions revolved around zimmerman's background, specifically his attempts to enter the law enforcement profession and what he may have heard about it, about this state's stand your ground law before the night trayvon martin was fatally shot. jurors learn more about the gun used on february 26th, 2012, from a crime lab analyst called by the prosecution. her name is amy seward. she also details her examination of the clothing worn by trayvon martin that evening as well. i want to go in and bring in msnbc legal analyst, lisa bloom. among other things, we learned
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that at the time of the shooting that .9 millimeter gun zimmerman was using was touching trayvon martin. how significant was that? >> well, he was shot at point blank range. he was shot with the gun directly touching trayvon martin's sweatshirt. the defense will argue that the sweatshirt was removed from the body a little bit, that it went through the sweatshirt and into the body. that's the defense position that trayvon martin was crouched over george zimmerman. that remains to be seen. today so far a very good day for the prosecution. i think especially the criminal justice system people, especially the criminal justice professor who said, guess what, george zimmerman took my class. he got an a in my class and we talked about stand your ground and self-defense. that directly contradicts george zimmerman's statement that he didn't know anything about stand your ground and self-defense. he said that through a television interviewer and the jury just heard that.
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>> it also seems that captain carter, the army jag corps member who taught that class at seminole state college where george zimmerman was a student, it seems that once again on cross examination the defense basically tried to steal another witness. >> they tried to but i don't think they did it with this one. they went out on a little mini lesson on self-defense and stand your ground law and what is your law, what do you teach your class. if a person is in great fear, they can shoot and kill in self-defense. that's true. he said that. that's the same instruction he'll give. that doesn't negate what george zimmerman knew, what he knew when he gave that television interview where he said something completely different. the prosecution is going to run with that to say that he knew enough to come up with a self-defense story that he could tell the police immediately after the shooting. it's enough to plant the seeds in the jury's mind, seeds of
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distrust against george zimmerman. that's what george zimmerman is trying to do. >> the j you are is set to return at 1:45. we will bring it live to you. lisa bloom, big thanks to you. want to send it back to thomas roberts in the new york studios now with other major developments now. hey, thomas. >> hey, craig. it is the big story we have been following since 11:00 a.m. eastern time. egypt's president muhammad morsi is remaining defiant. it came and passed. more than 2 dozen people have been killed in the protests so f far. the threat of military intervention. we believe there is some interaction going on. joining us from cairo overlooking tahrir square is aymen. what do we understand about the interactions between morsi and the government?
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they've been tweeting that a military coup is underway. >> reporter: that's right. that's certainly been the position of the muslim brotherhood and the freedom and justice party which is a political offshoot. they've been looking at the statement since everything came out 48 hours ago and their attempt to interject into the military politics. they've been using harsh language to describe it. more importantly, they say they're trying to undermine the democratically elected president of that country. that is how they are describing it. people in tahrir certainly describing it as a military coup. they're describing it as the military exercising its right. had it not been for people taking to the streets, they would never have been compelled to give him that ultimatum that has expired. the series of negotiations, some of them from the opposition and
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religious figures. as well as perhaps the military meeting with other officials from the presidential office, but we have not heard directly from president muhammad morsi since that speech he gave last night. we've also not heard directly from the military. for now it is a very volatile situation and very different atmosphere in the two parts of the cities, one in tahrir, very celebratory, excitement, anxiousness, but on the other side those that are supporting the muslim brotherhood, they're describing it, as i said, a coup. more importantly, they're extremely upset and the officials of the muslim brother hood have been upset. >> we see fireworks going off behind you. explain to all of us. we have been seeing speeches by morsi and the military commander. morsi was democratically elected and mubarak was ousted similarly
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to what we're seeing. masses filling the square, the military intersection. mubarak was not militarily elected. when they drafted the constitution, how does the independent army gain that type of control over a democratically elected leader? >> reporter: really, the factor that has tipped the balance in favor of the military's ruling was the protests. there's no way they would have felt compelled to act if they had not seen the millions of people taking to the streets on monday. it's not only been protests but the political opposition who last year through indirect or direct communication have been calling on the military to consider restoring order. the reason that's so important is because ever since president muhammad morsi came into power his critics have been saying he's been trying to take more and more into his hands. that is what alienated the secular opposition.
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that's what led them to call onto the military to get involved. the military said it is not taking political sides. this has become a matter of international security. this country is as divided as it has ever been since the revolution nearly two years ago. the people behind me that i've been speak to go in the square, outside the presidential palace, they are very cautious about the military's role in all of this. keep in mind it is the military that led the country for nearly two years and charted the constitutional path to where we are today. that means the legislation that was put in place, some of the constitutional declarations that paved the way. all of that was written by or under the jurisdiction of the military. many of them are indirectly blaming the fact that the country allowed the muslim brotherhood to hijack the egyptian revolution happened as a result of the military's first leadership of this country back in 2011. that's why they're cautiously optimistic in the role the
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military is playing now once again. >> one thing we've seen in this so far, ayman, is there has been loss of life. we understand the military has been a bystander of the crisis. there have been 23 reported deaths so do police especially, because they're on the scenes more than the military, and the crowds, do they anticipate more of a collision course between those that are opposing morsi and those that feel he should stay in power? >> you know, that's a very good question and that's a very important point also to emphasize. the muslim brotherhood and president muhammad morsi say they have been fighting a safe bureaucracy from the holdover of the mubarak era. chief is the country's police. they say the police ever since president morsi came into office has tried to undermine his rule by allowing there to be a rise in crime and the kind of violence we've seen over the last few days. there's a lot of evidence to say
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that the police institution was never reformed. here we are today in a situation where there are conflicts on the streets, there are clashes. the police are clearly not capable of restoring order, not necessarily politically but technically speaking ever since they were routed back in 2011 they simply don't have the manpower or technical capability to restore law and order. that's what makes it so dangerous when crowds like those behind me and those supporting president morsi come within the vicinity of one another and that led to the killing of 2300 people. that was on a single day. we see on sunday at least 60 people and last week another round of 20 people or so. that is the type of volatility that is happening. certainly that is going to be the challenge of the military if, indeed, they deploy in large numbers on the streets. when the military was back out on the streets of cairo in 2011, they struggled trying to impose law and order. there was a lot of violence during the tenure of the military leadership of this
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country. that is why many people say although tonight appears to be a happy and joyous moment, the days ahead for egypt are certainly going to be very dangerous. we can hear a loud roar right now from the crowd behind us. it seems that there is a military helicopter flying above here. it's one of the points that we've been making all throughout the day, which is that the egyptian military among this crowd is on the side of the people. that's why when military helicopters fly, it's a show of solidarity between the military and the people. >> ayman, the physical sign of that was 48 hours ago when that ban of helicopters flew over. this was a singular helicopter. no flags underneath it. anymore coming in the skies that you see? >>. >> it does not appear to be so.
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the time that those four helicopters flew was shortly after the military made that announcement. it was more of a show of force. they flew the helicopters above the crowd. they flew them in formation. it was clearly a very symbolic method. this military helicopter was doing what it has been doing among several days. they are filming the crowd and some have suggested that they are useling the footage from the military to communicate to the president that these are large crowds that simply cannot be ignored. over the course of the last year as crowds gather in tahrir and other parts of the country, the president is in somewhat of a denial or unwilling to acknowledge that the people here had reached a critical level. in the past 72 hours the military has deliberately flown reconnaissance flights over the large crowd. they even made that footage public by releasing it to local agencies to show the president and others that these are truly historic crowds, the likes of
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which have never been seen before in egypt, not even in the days of president mubarak in the 2011 revolution. >> ayman reporting for us. thanks so much. we'll ask you to stand by for us. as we continue to bring you the latest updates of the unrest we're witnessing, take a look at this. the video demonstration reaching the fever pitch yesterday. the time lapse of 12 hours showing the millions of antigovernment protesters that have now filled tahrir square. you make a great team.
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a diplomatic scramble. the bolivian government is registering a complaint with the u.n. for what it claims was the forced abduction of the
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president when his plane was rerouted because of rumors that the nsa leaker edward snowden was on board. we're joined from moscow with more on this. jim, i just want to play for everybody because nbc is not independently verified this, but the washington post put up some audio that it got from the guardian that's reported to be from the plane in the tower talking back and forth. take a listen. >> any assistance? >> not at this moment. ? caused that suspicion.
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president maduro. the same energy conference, meeting secretly. the scenario, unfortunately morales, here in moscow. bolivia has received snowden's asylum application yet but would consider it very seriously when it does. thirdly, unlike maduro, the venezuelan, he was stopping off in neighboring belarus, he was flying back with one revealing stop. there was a kind of perfect storm of escape for someone like snowden who's currently powerless to travel a direct flight, no need for a visa. friendly country not far from america. it was all, i would say, too good not to be true and that's what fueled, i believe, the rumors and the subsequent
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incident. it's still really unclear how portugal, france, italy and spain all got wind of it. >> we have all of these different leaders in the area for the energy forum that you referenced. what more do we know about snowden's current whereabouts and also the abundant amount of asylum requests that are out there, which ones have been verified and which ones have been denied? >> right. we can spend probably an hour analyzing and parsing that. the consensus is that he's still stuck inside the airport transit zone. he's not able to board a flight mainly because he has no travel documents, i.e.,, no u.s. passport or a russian visa so he can't enter russian soil. i believe he left that building days ago and is now on a specially sealed floor in a four star hotel, the nova hotel, i can name it, i think, just next to the transit zone which is used, we found out, to
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accommodate passengers a bit like him, who get stuck for whatever reason at the airport for two or three days. in terms of asylum requests, try to make it quick. snowden has applied to 20 countries spanning the globe. if my math is right, so far it's stacking up. five countries saying outright, no. seven are qualified nos, meaning perhaps if he shows up at their borders, but that's not likely. there are eight that have yet to receive applications so it's not looking good for edward snowden. thomas? >> jim maceda who is great at math as well as all of his facts about the asylum request. great to see you, thank you, sir. the director of national intelligence is apologizing for his erroneous response. in an exclusive interview for andrea mitchell, james clapper had a very different response on his testimony before congress. >> senator biden made quite a
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lot about your exchange with him at the hearings last month. can you explain what you meant when you said there was not data collection on millions of americans? >> well, the -- first, as i said, i have great respect for senator weiden. i thought i was asked when are you going to stop beating your wife kind of question, which is meaning not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. so i responded in what i thought was the most truthful or least untruthful manner by saying no. >> now nbc news chief justice correspondent, pete williams. pete, explain how well has clapper done with his apology and backing out of the quicksand. >> first we have to say what the hearing was. senator weiden asked does the nsa collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans and what mr. clapper said -- general clapper said was not on purpose.
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not intentionally. now in the letter clapper says in his head he was thinking about the internet program, the so-called section 705 program, which looks at overseas internet exchanges, e-mails and so forth, not the telephone program. after the hearing he says i realize i should have talked about the telephone program. he said he sent a letter to senator weiden and his staff but he couldn't make it public until all the revelations about the program. now he's saying -- 702 i should have said, not 705. he's decided to make this public now. that's his explanation. >> pete, senator widen revealed that his office sent in represe preparation the questions in advance so he knew what questions would be coming his way so he could be fully prepped to answer them and those responses. >> nonetheless he says that he had the internet program on his mind, that it had been -- just
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been through a year-long campaign to get reauthorization. there had been many classified discussions about it he said in his letter including with senator weiden and that is what is in his head. that's the explanation for the answer. >> pete williams reporting from washington, d.c. pete, great to see you. thank you, sir. congress is not in session this week. lawmakers had plenty to say this week about the set back for obama care. the white house announcing they will delay implementing the employer mandate until 2015 which will require businesses to provide insurance to workers. that part of the law will take effect again in 2015. republicans pounced on that news with speaker boehner calling it a clear acknowledgment that the law is unworkable. in other political news for you today, former illinois governor george ryan is walking free after spending five years in prison oncor rupgs charges. in january ryan moved to home confinement. today he was released a day ahead of schedule. he was convicted of rablgt
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tearing, tax fraud and making false statements to the irs in 2006. he was sentenced to 6 1/2 years in prison but that sentence was reduced because of good behavior. they will. it's a steak-over. steak was excellent. very tender. melts in your mouth. it was delicious. tonight you are eating walmart steak. what???!! good steak. two thumbs up? look, i ate all of mine. it matches any good steakhouse if not better. walmart choice premium steak in the black package. it's 100% money back guaranteed. try it for your next backyard barbecue.
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seize the summer with up to 50% off hotels at travelocity. arizona last night mourners gathered to honor the 19 firefighters that lost their lives. that fire is still burning. so far at least 50 homes have been destroyed. approximately 200 more are affected. nbc's miguel alma gare has the latest from prescott, arizona. >> reporter: crews are making progress on this 8400 acre blaze. it has now consumed 12.5 acres. the containment is 8%. we expect that number to increase as firefighters certainly make progress on the ground. some 500 firefighters have responded to this blaze. those numbers could increase as crews try to get better and full containment of this blaze. late last night here at this
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high school there was a tearful vigil and memorial for those 19 fallen firefighters who were consumed in the fire on sunday. also at the memorial, the 20th member of that hot shot crew, brandon mcdonough was a lookout for the crew. he was posted a mile away. his job was to overlook the fire crew on the ground. he was looking at incoming weather and how it was changing and how he would affect the crew. he was in constant radio communication with them. firefighters say he did everything right during this fire. of course, they say he is dealing with issues regarding that fire. he is certainly being backed by this community and firefighters all across this region. meantime, crews say they are going to investigate this blaze. today they hope to make their way to the burn zone where this fire began. federal investigators may be up there for several days as they try to piece together what exactly went wrong there. of course, this fire really consumed and exploded out of control on sunday. those 19 firefighters perished in this incident. they hope to have that
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investigation wrapped up in the next week or two. meantime, some 200 homes are threatened by this fire. hundreds of folks are evacuated. they hope to have full containment of this fire in about a week. meantime, they hope to let those hundreds of folks who are evacuated back home in the next five days. back to you. miguel almaguer. thank you. as we continue to update you on the george zimmerman trial, this morning a technical snafu created disturbance in the college. a witness attempted to testify over skype. other skype users, they started bombarding him with constant calls. inundated with calls and pop up noises. they had to complete it over a private phone line. we'll bring you the george zimmerman trial live when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wait all year for summer. ♪ this summer was definitely worth the wait.
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you on the breaking news out of egypt. what is next for that country. the military's 48 hour ultimatum for president morsi has ended. ayman is joining us from cairo. they're saying the communication has been lost with president morsi and no one knows where he is. this is the same spokesman who had tweeted earlier under the hashtag of save egypt that there was a military coup underway. >> reporter: that's correct. the individual is actually a senior member of the freedom and justice party. his father, actually, is also a senior advisor to president morsi on all foreign policy issues. in fact, he's acted often be times as a foreign policy or, rather, a foreign minister for the president coming to washington, meeting with u.s. officials quite regularly. he's the one that's now saying communication between senior members of the freedom and justice party and president morsi has been cut off.
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it's a little bit premature to explain why that is. we don't know whether that's a technicality or whether president morsi has been taken out incommunicado for some reason. what we do know is that senior members of the muss lick brotherhood are attending another protest. senior members of the organization that is also the political party, the freedom and justice party. there are thousands of people at that rally. many of those that are speaking at the podium there are senior members of the freedom and justice party. they themselves have not been rounded up but according to muslim brotherhood officials, mid level officials across the governors of egypt have been rounded up over the past few days. they did not comment on whether or not this was an order given by the military or by the police or whether this was for other reasons involving local acts of violence or local acts of public disturbance. at this stage there's no standing order that at least we know of by the military or by the police to arrest or attempt to arrest any senior members of
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the freedom and justice party or for that matter any political party in egypt. the situation as we understand it remains tense precisely for the reasons that we have not heard from president muhammad morsi since earlier this morning when a statement was posted on the facebook page not even indicating whether it was released by the president or his spokesperson's office. >> obviously the crowd in tahrir square is taking the meaning of no news is good news because there is no confirmation either from the military about whether or not morsi is out of power. however, we can see the crowd behind you jubilant. we can see fireworks going off. the risk here, ayman, is the fact if these people get word otherwise and what that means to how they react if morsi, again, has been able to come up with some type of concession because in his last statement that's what he was trying to go for, a concession to appease the strike. >> reporter: that's absolutely correct. you know, over the past several days there's been all kinds of
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leaking reports about what the president is attempt to go do, what the ministry of defense or army is willing to accept or what the opposition is willing to accept. the main factor is what will the people accept. what will they accept in order for the president to remain in office for there to be early elections. all of that is very unclear because the demand of the people has been that the president must go. anything short of that is going to be very difficult. it's extremely naive to think that president muhammad morsi and those that support him don't have a legitimate argument to be made. they feel that he is the democratically elected leader. there's a constitution in place that can govern how the president is forced out of power and that's why they feel this is an attack on the sovereignty of the constitution. you have to put it in the context of where the government has been over this 80 year struggle in egypt. the muslim brotherhood has fought tooth and nail over the past several decades to say they are ruling egypt. they did it through a democratic means. now they're being forced out of
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it by the pressure of the straight protests and with a little help of the military. they are not going to simply go quietly into the night because they feel they have the constitutional legitimacy. that is why the tone that is coming out of both president muhammad morsi and senior members of the muslim brotherhood is one of defines, one of legitimacy. it's the word that we are hearing over and over again every time they they address the crowd, it is the legitimacy of that. not simply whether you like the muslim brotherhood. the military on one hand wants to try to preserve the integrity of the democratic process, however, people have lost confidence in what has unfolded over the last year. they have lost confidence in what has unfolded since the revolution back in 2011. that's why it's historical numbers that are coming out in the crowds, not only in tahrir but really in provinces all across the country this evening. >> ayman, once again, it's 2 1/2
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hours past the deadline and we're hearing from the muslim brotherhood spokesperson that they have lost contact with president morsi. we have this note that pentagon officials say that the defense secretary, chuck hagel, called the ee gyp shan't leader twice. they haven't released information about the conversations but conversations have transpired. the department of defense press secretary wouldn't go on much further other than saying that the u.s. right now supports the democratic process calling the situation in egypt a crisis and added that the hope is that this period of tension can be resolved in a peaceful manner and violence can be avoided. ayman, let me ask you. this is the independent army that would be interceded. there's the police forces that would be out among the people as opposed to the army. what type of security detail does morsi have? who would be in charge of that that the independent army would
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be confronting to take him out of power? >> well, the state security bureaucracy in egypt is a very complex one. on the one hand you have the military, armed forces. you have the general intelligence director. that's the equivalent of the foreign military agency. that's very powerful in egypt. you have the internal republican guard. that is the equivalent of the secret service. it's tasked with protecting egypt's president. they respond to the military. as we understand it, there has been a lot of heightened security outside of the guard headquarters here. i drove by the republican guard headquarters and there were large protests there because people believe that is where president muhammad morsi is currently being held. i don't say being held against his will but that's at least where he's operating out of for the time being. he's there under protection of
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the republican guard. what orders they may have given to limit the movements. president is very unknown. there's no doubt that it is the military to some extent that is in control of the situation. that's why that phone call is going to be of utmost importance. right now we simply don't know what is happening behind the palace wall. >> ayman reporting from tahrir square in cairo. we'll continue to follow that story and bring you news of what's developing here at home in the george zimmerman trial. two major stories we're following in this hour. we're back with much more on "andrea mitchell reports" after this. understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company."
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me now live from new orleans. rev, it's good to see you. let's talk about this. this is going to be an epic weekend there in new orleans, talking about the health care needs of many people. so how many are expected to show up in the clinic that you're standing in? >> well, they expect about 1,000 or more to come today. they have already seen 370 people today. one person has already had to go to the hospital. we saw a man come in that had a prescription and when they looked at the prescription it was from doctors the last time they did a free clinic here. so it shows you, thomas, the real need here that people have. if you go from one free clinic to another before you get your prescriptions filled, people come in with congestive heart conditions and all, it's really showing that this is a very necessary thing. there are over 900 people here volunteering. one lady said that she heard
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about it in switzerland and she flew in to be a volunteer today. so it's a real exciting atmosphere of volunteers that really are doing their best, but i think the most moving thing is to see the people that need the health care attention that can come and get it free, and i'm so happy that we're doing this. >> rev, let's talk more about the medical conditions that you're pointing out. some people come in with the fact that they haven't had prescriptions refilled since the last time that they had access to another free clinic or others more acute to be taken on to a hospital. is it that big of a dichotomy or range of different needs that most people are coming in with? >> absolutely. when you see one person had congestive heart condition today. another, as i said, had to be brought to the hospital. when you see people in those kind of extreme health need, you have to ask yourself if we weren't doing this with the free
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clinic association, what would happen to these people? and how people every day, 83% of them working people, 83% of the people that use these free clinics are people that work every day, they have jobs every day just can't afford the health care. and i think that the real message is we need to really deal in this country with affordable health care. this is doing a part, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed around the country. >> and as we talk about the state of louisiana itself while this free clinic is taking place in new orleans, governor jindal is not going to expand medicaid. explain how many people that will affect. >> we've been told over 400,000 people will be affected by him turning his back. you have to understand this will not cost the state any money. pennsylvania, republicans doing it there. we're talking about people turning back federal dollars
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that would not cost them anything in their state budget. i think to put partisan politics over the life and health of people is something that is indefensible in my knowledge. >> we'll see you at 6:00. sir, great to see you. >> oh, yeah. we're definitely going to be there. >> see you soon. take everybody back to our coverage of the george zimmerman trial. craig joins me with more from sanford, florida. craig. >> thomas, judge nelson has just resumed the trial here. george zimmerman's murder trial in sanford, florida. judge nelson just gavelled things back to order. let's take a look at the courtroom. let's listen in as well. >> scheduling doesn't have to be now. >> we can do it now while they're getting settled in. >> okay. >> they're not here. we don't have to be -- what is
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it that you needed help with? >> we're trying to coordinate an opportunity to take benjamin krumm's deposition, and the only time that's been offered to us was -- >> okay. as we wait for the state to go ahead and call its 35th witness here, i want to bring in msnbc legal analyst, lisa bloom and javani cobb and remeisha sinder. you are one of the few reporters that's been inside that courtroom from the beginning of the trial. talk to me a little bit about what you saw in terms of the jury's response to the witness just before lun. , amy seward, that firearms specialist. how was the jury reacting? >> i think they were really interested in seeing how that gun worked. they've always been taking notes throughout the trial but i think in this portion of the trial they took more notes. they looked in very deeply. they really, i think, gave her testimony and what she was doing with the gun weight. i can't say what they actually
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thought about it, of course, but i think they were very interested in what she was showing them because she was cocking back the gun and showing them how the gun an bullets would work. >> professor cobb, we also learned from her testimony that at this point it appears based on her testimony that zimmerman left the car with the bullets in the chamber and a full magazine as well. what else did we learn from ms. seward? >> well, i think the interesting thing here is to not just simply focus on the testimony from the firearms expert but to look at it in the context of the testimony we've seen in the last two days. you know, we can kind of start seeing where the prosecution is going with this. one, we heard from the medical examiner that mr. zimmerman's injuries were not severe. she said they were minor, insignificant. and then this morning we heard from the professor of his who remarks in some detail about how familiar mr. zimmerman was with
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the particularities of self-defense law in the state of florida. >> and one of the things, professor cobb, that i found especially interesting about that, here you had yesterday in court they played that interview where george zimmerman said when asked point tedly, were you familiar with the stand your ground law in florida? he said, no. we heard from the professor this morning, the army jag attorney, that he did, in fact, teach a course where that was covered. >> and, of course, in which mr. zimmerman did quite well. he got an a grade. we're seeing someone not severely injured and someone very familiar with the contours of self-defense as a legal idea in the state of florida and now someone who we see, you know, got out of the car with a bullet in the chamber of the gun. and so in total it starts to point to someone who, you know, perhaps had an idea or perhaps was already on edge and, remember, they're going for
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murder 2 here. they're trying to establish his mindset that perhaps this person did behave in this way and then retroactively came up with a story that would seem to rationalize his actions. >> lisa who have we not heard from at this point that you expect we will hear from? >> well, we haven't heard from it the medical examiner, who did the autopsy on trayvon martin. that's going to be important testimony. we haven't heard from any martin family members yet. i would especially be looking forward to the testimony of trayvon martin's mother. we expect her to say that that's trayvon on that 911 call screaming for his life just before the bullet goes off. there may be more crime scene analysts and technical forensic-type witnesses. i'm going to be looking out for them as well. professor cobb is absolutely right. it's time to start putting the evidence together. when i heard this firearms expert testifying, i started putting together what we heard of george zimmerman saying he was in fear. he was in fear when he got out
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of the car. well, now we know he had not only a loaded gun on him but a gun with eight bullets in it, one that was in the chamber without any kind of external safety device, meaning he could shoes it off in a moment, which is exactly what happened. we know trayvon martin was shot at point-blank range. i'm sure the jury is starting to put all the evidence together as well. >> lisa, while you were talking, we just got word that the state, judge nelson says the state is going to be resting its case today. the defense will start presenting its case on friday. judge nelson right now talking about some scheduling issues. if we can, let's listen for a few seconds and we'll come back out and talk about what this could mean. >> it was always this court's intention that as soon as the state rests, that the defense begins their case. that's how it happens in every case i've ever had and was my intention to continue to do that. friday would be the first business day after the holiday,
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so -- >> what we're asking for is a little more time given the way this case has proceeded. as the court's aware, we were still litigating the admissibility of evidence after the jury selection began. we certainly couldn't have taken mr. crump's deposition during the trial day. the court doesn't expect mr. o'mara or myself to leave the courtroom, i think. >> you've left for other reasons. i don't want to go there. and i don't want to get into a discussion back and forth about what times may have been available, but it's never been requested for this court to recess even a half hour earlier. i know during the frye hearings we recessed on a saturday because your witness wasn't available and the court had to continually ask when your witness would be available to finish it. i had to be the one who moved that forward. neither side moved that forward.
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i wanted to get that matter finished because you wanted to know an answer about it before opening statements. i accomplished that. if there had been a request to recess even an hour earlier, i would have done that. now i have a jury sequestered that are going to be off on thursday. you want off that friday, saturday, sunday. i'm not doing that -- >> we asked the court -- >> end of discussion. >> judge nelson and the attorney there is in the courtroom haggling over precisely when the defense will start their case. again, apparently the state is going to rest its case today. lisa bloom, i want to bring you back in. we were just talking moments ago about who else we could expect to testify. you indicated the medical examiner. hereto for, i think, most people
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expected trayvon martin's mother to testify. they would be called and cross-examined today, no? >> we'll see what the state does. they might be reserving some for rebuttal. there's the prosecution case in chief. that's what we're in now. there's the defense case, if they choose to put one on. we understand they do. then the prosecution has one more opportunity to do a rebuttal case. in fact, the defense can do a rebuttal. that can go on for some time. let me explain what's happening he here. it can sometimes be very difficult to have witnesses on hand ready to go when you don't know when the other side's case is going to end. it sounds to me as though that's what might be going on here. the defense doesn't have a witness today or doesn't have a witness available for friday. they're also talking about some discovery matters. you know, florida is very curious because the witnesses can have an out-of-court deposition before they come into court and testify. that means the trial lawyers,
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like don west and mark o'mara, have to try to be in two places at once. that's hard to do. so this is a tough scheduling matter. the defense is just asking for a little bit more time. >> lisa, as you were talking, judge nelson brought the jury back into the courtroom. she said this is something that they are going to take up a little bit later, presumably later this afternoon since there is no court on the fourth of july. we're going to keep our eye on what's happening inside the courtroom here in sanford, florida. that's going to do it for "andrea mitchell reports." stay tuned for more of the george zimmerman murder trial next on "news nation" with tamron hall. [ male announcer ] this is bob,
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egyptian military advisers tell nbc news a full military coup is underway to remove mohamed morsi. the muslim brotherhood spokesperson saying communication has been lost with morsi and no one knows where he is. we're also hearing military tanks are on the move around the country. nbc's eama eamon is live. >> reporter: i want to read a statement posted from the office of the assistant to the president egypt on foreign relations officially from the egyptian presidency. it starts by saying, as i write these line, i'm fully aware these may be the last lines i get to post on this page. for the sake of egypt and historical accuracy, let's call what's happening by its real name, a military coup. these are the words by a senior adviser to president morsi.
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it is a very telling sign. that is also being echoed by other members of the muslim brotherhood. we are getting initial reports that the egyptian military has deployed in various parts of cairo. that's not necessarily new, but it depends which parts of the city they're in. the military has been protecting many of the key installations across the city and country for the past several weeks really. to see how close and how much they penetrate into the city, how close they get to crowds like this, that is going to be very telling. certainly in a little bit we'll have more sense of how far the military is now in charge of the country. keep in mind, this is very similar to what happened back in 2011. the military deployed first. there was no clear communication as to what was actually happening until that announcement came from at the time the vice president of the country. it wasn't even from the president himself. we don't fo